Despre mine
It's not very easy to describe yourself...people saying that i am nice
will know this only if you start to know me better. easy going and open minded..
see my photos
Ce caut
I'm looking for an open-minded, well educated girl (preferably speaking english) that
likes to enjoy her life just like I do. I also require honesty - so please, don't tell me
sad stories about you and/or your family. I won't be sending you any money either, so
please don't ask me for this..;-)
Mesajul tau a fost trimis cu succes lui bogdanmocian!

39 ani
Ialomita - Romania
Ce caut aici? voi cita pe cineva pt a va raspunde "caut o femeie cu care sa imba

33 ani
Ialomita - Romania
Te las pe tine sa e mai interesant asa ????.....Aspectul pers

39 ani
Ialomita - Romania
toate-s praf.....lumea-i cum este , si ca dansa santem noi............

33 ani
Ialomita - Romania
Adult male, well travelled and well spoken, young at heart but vise in brain. ha

41 ani
Ialomita - Romania
nu pot sa imi dau singur o descriere,nu pot asta e.poate ma vei intzelege .sunt